Tom hilton jay slater attack : Teen’s Head Split Open in Yob Attack

Tom Hilton, who was 17 at the time of the attack, suffered Tom hilton jay slater attack a head injury so serious his skull was exposed, and wounds to his shoulders and legs in the attack close to the Old Paper Mill in Hermitage Street, Rishton, in August 2021


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tom hilton jay slater attack video Eight thugs who split boy’s head open with machete dodge jail Eight teenagers who brutally attacked another teen with a machete, axe and a golf lub have been handed Is this the same Jay Slater they are looking for in Tenerife? Who’s still on an 18 month community order for a violent attack against a teenager with golf clubs, machetes and an axe? That top middle picture looks exactly like him Tom hilton jay slater attack


Girl in a jacket



He ran through the woods and onto the road, where the gang – including Danny Yakub, Connor Armstrong and Jay Slater – caught up with him, the court heard.

The baying mob of eight then surrounded him and launched a frenzied attack on the defenceless lad, using weapons or fists or encouraged the others. Judge Philip Parry said they acted together.


Throughout a trial at Preston Crown Court, all eight laughed and joked in a way the judge said showed disrespect.

He said: “I have to have at the forefront of my mind the fact that most of you were children when you committed these offences. I make it very, very clear that all eight of you have behaved disgracefully, in relation to the violent disorder but also intimidation of witnesses, supply of class A drugs and street robbery. You should all eight be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves but I am not at all convinced you are.


The trial at Preston Crown Court revealed that Hilton had gone to the mill, a popular meeting spot for local teens, looking for a teenage girl when he was chased by a group of boys. Hilton described his assailants as “like a pack of gorillas.” The group of eight, surrounded Hilton and attacked him with weapons and fists, encouraged by each other. Judge Philip Parry highlighted the group’s collective responsibility for the violence, underscoring the severity of their coordinated attack.


Disrespect in Court Tom hilton jay slater attack

Throughout the trial, the teenagers displayed disrespectful behavior, laughing and joking in court. Judge Parry expressed his disapproval, stating, “I have to have at the forefront of my mind the fact that most of you were children when you committed these offences. I make it very, very clear that all eight of you have behaved disgracefully.” He condemned their involvement in violent disorder, witness Tom hilton jay slater attack intimidation, drug supply, and street robbery, urging them to feel ashamed of their actions. This behavior in court further highlighted the challenges of addressing juvenile crime.



The attack on Tom Hilton and the subsequent trial and sentencing of his assailants bring to light significant concerns about juvenile crime and the justice system’s response. While the rehabilitative approach taken by Judge Parry aims to offer a chance for reform, the debate over the leniency of the sentences continues. Ensuring justice and effective rehabilitation requires a balanced approach, addressing both the immediate need for accountability and the long-term goal of preventing future violence.

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