Dank Dahl Rock paper scissors video twitter

The Dank Dahl Rock paper scissors, a Twitter X leak, features a captivating game between a guy and a girl vying for the attention of a beautiful woman in a yellow dress. When the woman loses, the man boldly inserts himself into the scene, creating a viral sensation. This explicit spoof of TikTok’s Food Challenge sparked a wave of memes and reactions upon its June 2024 release.


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Dank Dahl Rock paper scissors



On June 7th, 2024, @Philsmosoti shared a video depicting two women and a man engaging in the game, with one woman in a yellow dress at the center. The man’s audacious move garnered over 12.6 million views and 137,000 likes in a day, making it the initial upload of the controversial video.



The ensuing viral storm included @NATERERUN’s post on June 8th, 2024, sharing the Old Lady Lingerie Glitch video with a reference to the Rock Paper Scissors scene, amassing over 2,600 likes in under 24 hours. Additionally, on the same day, user @mihletshemese’s shocked GIF reaction further fueled the frenzy, accumulating over 73,000 likes within the same timeframe.

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