Tragic Incident: 29-Year-Old Mom Dies dulce alondra video real Video

A woman who was killed in a Mexican town by a vintage dulce alondra video real steam train after standing too close to the track for a selfie has been identified as 29-year-old teacher Dulce Alondra.


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According to Spanish-speaking broadcaster dulce alondra video real Noticias Telemundo Alondra was with her young son when she was struck by a locomotive known as The Empress, on Tuesday.

In a video, she can be seen telling the child to stay low and away from the train. But the single mum-of-one, who was standing up on a small hill, posing for a selfie, got a step too close, resulting in the accident.


  1. Woman killed by train in Mexico identified as 29-year-old Dulce Alondra
  2. The 29-year-old mum was posing for a selfie when she was struck 


The young boy was reportedly not injured, but has been left orphaned.

The tragedy happened in the town of dulce alondra video real Nopala de Villagran, 60 miles northwest of Mexico City.

Just prior to the woman being struck, a voice can be heard warning people to stay far away from the train.

The authorities have reminded residents that they should stand at least 33 feet from the tracks and should never try to climb on any railway equipment or infrastructure for better views.

Tributes have been paid to the mum-of-one.

Angel Salvador wrote after the tragedy on Facebook, referring to Dulce by her full name: ‘Rest in peace Dulce Alondra García Hernandez.

‘I’m going to miss you my friend.’

Close friend Patty Gar, who shared details of her wake and the funeral arrangements, wrote: ‘Life is fragile and at times it’s taken away from us in an instant. I will miss you forever my friend.’

An acquaintance commenting on the tragedy said: ‘Rest in peace Dulce Alondra Garcia.

‘She was just trying to enjoy the passing of the Canadian Pacific steam locomotive The Empress but sadly she got too close and lost her life trying to take a selfie.

‘The blow she received was fatal and those at the scene could do nothing to save her. When the emergency services arrived she was already dead.

‘She was just trying to capture a great memory but never imagined that would be the last moment of her life. Rest in peace.’

A critic of her actions said: ‘This incident is a reminder of the dangers associated with selfies in unconventional places.

Each year hundreds of people around the world suffer serious accidents or lose their lives trying to get the perfect image for social media.’

Another, in a more strongly-worded message, said: ‘Her recklessness killed her.’

Alondra’s funeral will take place today in her native town of Huichapan – 25 miles from the spot where she lost her life.

The Canadian Pacific 2816 aka The Empress was built in Montreal in December 1930 and is the one of its type, a H1b 4-6-4 Hudson type steam locomotive that still survives in tact.

Until this past Spring, the train had been out of commission since 2012. The train began its Final Spike Steam Tour in Calgary in April, it ends on June 7 in Mexico City.

The operators of the train, Canadian Pacific Kansas City, told in a statement:

‘We regret to share that a woman was fatally injured while standing foul of a passing train soon after it departed a station in the municipality of Nopala de Villagrán, Hidalgo on Tuesday. This tragic incident is under investigation.

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